5 Second Reset

My intern group was given $500, 2 weeks, and 1 goal: make a positive change in the world.

CW: Vanessa Suarez AD: Joie Ha Design: Juanita Londono Brand Management: Lauren Tolbert Post-Production: Danny Luksa


ATM may as well mean Anxiety Transaction Machine. Give yourself a drum roll, and pray for somethin’ higher than $0.00.

Having to wait in line sucks. Waiting while popping bubble wrap sucks less.

Muni arrival times feel meaningless? So is trying to bust a piñata with a pool noodle, but this will make you feel better.

The “I Base My Life Around a Train” Shuffle. Big step forward when you think you hear your train coming. Two steps back when it turns out it’s the wrong one. Clap. Repeat.

Crosswalk timer just a cruel reminder you’re late? Pushing this button won’t change the light… but at least it’s something. 

Riding the bus stinks. Close your eyes, and pretend you’re in a Five Star Uber with Free Mini Water Bottles.™

Slow elevator pushing your buttons? Push back. It won’t make the elevator any faster, but damn, it’ll feel good.

Cleaning your inbox got your fingers feeling tense? Try a mini stress ball for your mini stresses.


Our installations drove people to Instagram where they could find #5SecondReset content even after the piñatas had been stolen and the street cleaners scrubbed off our stickers.

In three days, we gained 131 followers to get 612 post impressions and 960 story impressions, and 40% of our profile visitors went to our website to learn more about the project.

Our website provided a more in-depth explanation of what it means to take a 5 Second Reset as well as pre-made decks that people who want to advocate for mental health breaks at work and school can use to petition for a change in policy.
